It is always fun, when you are having a party, dinner party, kids party or simply a small get together that you enjoy cake. What if your guests didn’t know the flavours of your cakes but you did. You can turn the enjoyment of eating cake into a ‘what went into this’ game. It is… More »
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Posts Categorized: Modern Ideas
I wanted to find a way to incorporate red wine into a cupcake batter, so I thought that the best combination would be red wine and chocolate. There is nothing better than at the end of a meal, enjoying some dark chocolate and a glass of red wine. So why not mix the two together… More »
Mexican chocolate cupcakes So, it is believed that the very first cacao seed was found in Mexico and was spread all around the world in the 16th Century. As cacao originated in Mexico, I thought I would give you a delicious recipe that I discovered whilst travelling in South America. The mixture of flavours is… More »
Salted Caramel and Vanilla Cheesecake What could possibly go better in a cheesecake than a salted caramel and vanilla combo? Mmmmmmm, my kitchen has been buzzing with the cheesecake phenomenon and so I thought I would write up my latest recipe which was only made a couple of hours ago. My deliciously sticky cheesy delight…. More »
Jennifer’s Cakes is introducing a new cheesecake range to our cake portfolio. When opting for a cheesecake I like to always go either fruity or chocolaty. This recipe is totally fruity as there is nothing better than the classic strawberry cheesecake.
What is better than sitting on your couch, drinking a cup of coffee with a slice of cake? What happens if you can add the coffee to the cake? Well coffee cake has been around for centuries and so I thought this would be a perfect addition to the cake blog, hope you enjoy and… More »
Now, I’ve heard of people putting coca cola with chicken, so why wouldn’t you think about coca cola in a cupcake? It’s a new concept but yummy none the less. This is how you make my yummy coca cola cupcakes; What you will need; For the cake bases: – 250g Caster sugar (I prefer to use golden caster sugar for… More »
So many of our regular readers have asked us to upload a fool proof recipe for our famous macaroons so I thought I would listen and upload this post … Macaroons can be extremely tricky and some amateur bakers believe that it is just too difficult, so I have decided to put an end to… More »
Since travelling in South America, my love for avocados has grown and grown. I have always liked avocado but never imagined having them in anything other than salads and guacamole. How wrong was I!!! In Peru, they use avocado in nearly EVERYTHING. From smoothies to cakes and this is the theme for my next blog… More »
As some of my regular readers know already, both my husband and I have been travelling the world and have found ourselves settling in the beautiful town of Pisac, Cusco in Peru, South America. Surrounded by mountains and the stunning Urubumba River, Pisac has been like a home to us and of course I have… More »